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    Runner's Fuel

    Just like a car needs gas to go anywhere, runners need to fuel their bodies to reach optimal training and performance. Are you putting premium fuel into your body or are you running on fumes?

    If you are new to fueling your runs, you will need to train your stomach just as you trained your lungs and legs. You will have to try out what food and how much works best for you. Learning to take in the right foods can be the difference between a PR or hitting the wall. 

    Pre-Run Nutrition - Do I really need to eat something before my morning run? Ideally, yes. Your body has been in a fasted state while you were sleeping. Your glycogen stores and blood sugar are likely on the low end. Drops in blood sugar lead to light-headedness and fatigue. Having something to eat before your workout helps keep your blood sugar levels steady. The recommended breakdown of macronutrients for pre-workout is 60-70% carbs, 20-30% protein, and 15-30% fat. It doesn’t need to be a lot of food, just something. A banana or a Honey Stinger Waffle is a great choice for a pre-workout food choice. 

    During your run nutrition - Beware the Bonk! Have you been in the middle of a long training run and just felt like your legs were lead weights? Your brain and body ran out of fuel. Carbs are an endurance athlete’s best friend. Carbohydrates are very efficient at producing energy during exercise. When your glycogen stores and glucose become depleted, your brain senses it and goes into self-protection mode and restricts what goes into your muscles, meaning you hit “The Wall.”

    The basic recommendation is 60-90g of carbohydrates per hour for endurance activities over 90 minutes. If you are running at low intensity under an hour, you don’t need to have any nutrition. If you are training for a half marathon or longer, you will need to learn to consume fuel during your runs. Start with a couple of Skratch chews or a sip of a Huma gel and remember to take some sips of water every time you eat something. It will take some time for your stomach to adjust to eating while running. It’s very important to train your stomach if you want to perform well at longer distances. Gels and Chews have different amounts of carbs per serving. Combine products to reach a minimum of 60g carbs per hour. 

    Post-Run Nutrition - within 30-45 min after your workout refuel your body with a ratio of 4:1 carbs:protein. Glycogen is the most important fuel source for your muscles, but they also need protein to rebuild and repair. The combination of carbohydrates and protein helps your body recover, rebuild, and reduce inflammation as well as many other benefits. Your post run nutrition may be a glass of chocolate milk or some recovery chews from Seattle Gummies. Whichever you choose, don’t skip it!

    Get Fit has a variety of fueling options for you to choose from. Honey Stinger Chews, Gels, and Waffles; Maurten 100 and 160 Calorie Gels; Skratch Chews; Huma Gels; and Seattle Performance Gummies. Stop in and grab a few to try on your next run.

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